Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thoughts on Google-Motorola

Just got a new Droid X2 to take the place of my Blackberry Tour. It is an amazing phone--and is the dual-core processor fast. And even though it's not a 4G phone, it still has pretty fast internet. So, I can see why Google wants to acquire the 17,000 patents that come with a Motorola Mobility deal. My only complaint so far is that battery life seems a little short, but that is pretty common when you have a new phone. I've custom set the battery and we'll see how it goes from here.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Other schools are starting to create programs like Georgetown University has created with OPIM

Other schools and employers are becoming more interested in the very skills that the OPIM (Operations and Information Management) program at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University has specialized in teaching. Click here to see the story from All Things Digital.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Google+ Hangouts

Check out this article on Google+ Hangouts. These are easier ways to bring together virtual teams. Remember though, that whatever goes on there is streamed to all participants.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I wanted to pick a specialist that fell under my insurance plan. When I googled the location and my insurance plan, I had the choice of choosing zocdoc. Since I hadn't heard of it before, I decided to look at it. Wow--it let me choose the specialty and the location, and see lots of reviews. I was able to quickly select a doctor, while looking at when the various docs showed availability. Next I was able to book an appointment online at a convenient time in about 1 minute. To verify the appointment, I chose to have them text me (with a code that I then input into zocdoc). I could even choose to have the appointment go directly to my Google calendar site. This site has taken what was always a chore that took at least a half an hour to complete and turned it into a pleasant minute or two. Makes you optimistic about the future of health care.

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Business Models for E-Commerce

Those of you who follow TechCrunch will probably have seen this, but for those of you who haven't, I think you'll be amazed by some of the different business models that have emerged in the last year. Click here to see a slide show of them.